My Mission is to help you do big brave beautiful things

Let me guess — you've probably heard it all before, right? “Think big!” “Be brave!” “You can do anything!” Have a mindset for success. It sounds great in theory, but what does it really mean? And more importantly, why am I so obsessed with helping women (like you) do Big, Brave, Beautiful Things?

Well, let’s break it down —

The "Do"

Let’s start with Do. This one’s the key. It’s all about taking action. We can think, dream, and plan all day long, but if we never take action, we’re just... waiting. And life isn’t waiting for us to be ready.

For me, Do is about not letting perfectionism or fear of failure keep you stuck. It’s about making the move, sending the email, saying yes (or no), and doing the thing that scares you a little. Taking that first step — even if you don’t have all the answers yet — is where the magic happens. And trust me, you don’t need everything mapped out to get started. You just have to do.

In my own life, there were countless times when I could’ve stayed comfortable, stayed small, or waited until I had “everything sorted” (spoiler: that never happens). But I didn’t. I just started. Sometimes messy, sometimes unsure, but always moving forward. And that’s what I encourage you to do too — because staying stuck is not an option.

The "Big"

When I talk about doing big things, I’m not talking about becoming the next Elon Musk (unless that’s your dream, in which case, go for it!). I’m talking about not shrinking yourself. For so long, we’ve been conditioned to stay small, play it safe, and keep ourselves within the tidy boxes society likes to put us in. I’m saying it’s time to knock down the walls of that box, kick it out the window, and go for the things that light you up — no matter how big or small they may seem to others.

For me, my “big” has come in many forms over the years. It’s been raising three kids on my own while building a business from scratch. It’s been standing in front of rooms full of people, speaking about topics I’m passionate about — even when my nerves were doing backflips. It’s been saying, “Actually, I can have a thriving career and live life on my terms, thank you very much.” Whatever your big thing is, don’t let anyone tell you it’s too much or too ambitious. Dream big because you can.

The "Brave"

Now, bravery — let’s talk about that. Here’s the thing: bravery isn’t about being fearless. Let me repeat that because it’s important. Bravery isn’t about being fearless.

I’ve never jumped out of a plane (nor do I plan to — thanks, fear, I’ll pass on that one), but I’ve had my fair share of moments where I had to be brave. Whether it was moving to London on my own with three children, not knowing anyone, to build my own business or putting myself out there for the world to see, it’s been about moving forward despite the fear. That’s what bravery really is — feeling the fear, acknowledging it, over coming fears and then saying, “Alright, I see you, but I’m doing this anyway.”

The thing about fear is that it’s wired into us to keep us safe. But sometimes, fear gets a little overenthusiastic. It’s like the friend who says, “Don’t do that, it’s dangerous,” when all you’re trying to do is switch up your career or try something new. Fear isn’t bad, but it’s not the decision-maker. Bravery comes in when you take action even when fear is sitting in the passenger seat, critiquing your every move.

The "Beautiful"

The beautiful. Now, I’m not talking about beauty in the conventional, glossy-magazine sense. I have spend 25 years in the “Beauty” industry For me it’s so much more than the external “beautiful” is about alignment, mental health, It’s about living a life that feels good to you, inside and out. It’s about finding what makes you feel whole, joyful, and connected.

There’s something beautiful about living in alignment with who you truly are — not who you’re supposed to be, and not that you feel you should look a certain way. When you’re doing things that are meaningful, pursuing dreams that matter to you, and connecting with people who lift you up, you radiate a different kind of beauty. It’s the kind that comes from feeling content, excited, and inspired by life.

I’ve spent years working in an industry where appearance matters (hello, skincare and beauty), but what I’ve learned is this: the most beautiful things about anyone is their passions, their mind, energy and character. When you’re living in a way that aligns with your values, your “why,” and your true desires, it shows. That’s what I mean when I say “beautiful” — it’s the energy, the glow that comes from doing what you love.

The "Things"

And finally — Things. Why “things,” you ask? Well, because it’s all about possibilities. Things can be big or small. They can be tangible goals or abstract dreams. It’s about opening your mind to new opportunities, to different ways of thinking, and to the next step, even if you don’t see the whole staircase yet.

The “things” are what you create, what you build, and what you decide to go after. Things are about finding your purpose. Maybe it’s starting that business you’ve been thinking about, writing the book you’ve had in your heart for years, or even just giving yourself permission to pursue what makes you happy. These are your “things.” It’s about exploring what’s possible and giving yourself the freedom to chase after it.

So, Why "Do Big, Brave, Beautiful Things"?

Because life is too short to stay small, stay stuck, and stay in your comfort zone. This is about how to live a happy life, how to create your own success on your terms, whatever success means to you. My purpose is all about helping you step into your own version of big, brave, and beautiful. It’s about giving you the tools, the mindset, and the support to take that next bold step — whatever it looks like for you.

It’s also about reminding you that you don’t need permission to live the life you want. You don’t need to wait for the perfect moment (hint: it doesn’t exist), and you certainly don’t need to fit anyone’s mould. You get to decide what success looks like for you. You get to take brave action, even when you’re not 100% sure how it’ll turn out. And you get to live a life that feels beautiful — in whatever way feels right for you.

I’m here to help you do that. Let’s do Big, Brave, Beautiful Things together.

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